【Ver.1.3.7】Game Update Notice

Thank you for playing “Lucky Farmer”.
We have updated this game version to “Ver. 1.3.7”.
・New NFTs and pets are added to the Lucky Box.

New Character NFT Saizo “Ninja”
Season: Spring Characteristic: Ninja
Get profile icon:The icon “[Lucky Farmer] Saizo “Ninja”” can be set on your profile screen. ※You can change your icon on your profile screen from the Special tab.
Get character avatar:While using this character, the character on the home screen will be “[Lucky Farmer] Saizo “Ninja””
Add background:While using this character, the background on the home screen will be “Castle (Japan)”.

New Character NFT Kirana “Ninja”
Season: Spring Characteristic: Ninja
Get profile icon:The icon “[Lucky Farmer] Kirana “Ninja”” can be set on your profile screen. ※You can change your icon on your profile screen from the Special tab.
Get character avatar:While using this character, the character on the home screen will be “[Lucky Farmer] Kirana “Ninja””

New Pet Cat “Ninja”
Season: Spring Characteristic: Ninja

The above pets will appear in the Pet Lucky BOX (Wood) or (Silver).
■DEP Medal 100% Booster Renamed
The names of the following items have been changed.
DEP Medal 100% Booster[★1]
DEP Medal 100% Booster[★2]
DEP Medal 100% Booster[★3]
DEP Medal 100% Booster[★4]
[★1] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% Booster)
[★2] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% Booster)
[★3] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% Booster)
[★4] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% Booster)
■About the recovery cost of Lucky Gauge
The specifications have been changed for recovering Lucky Gauge when 200 or more fertilizers (DEP Medal 100% booster) (hereinafter: fertilizer items) of each rarity are used.
Before the change:
The cost of recovering Lucky Gauge for accounts with 200 or more Fertilizer Items of any rarity is fixed at 10,230 DEP.
After the change:
The cost of recovering Lucky Gauge for accounts with 200 or more fertilizer items of any rarity will be 1,200 DEP per item from the rarity with the highest number of fertilizer items used.
[★1] Fertilizer ( DEP medal 100% booster) 240 items in use
[★3] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% booster): 210 items in use
The 240 items of [★1] Fertilizer (DEP Medal 100% booster) is referred to as the highest number used.
Lucky Gauge recovery cost will be “1,200 DEP × 240”.
▼Bug Fix
・Minor bug fixes
Thank you for your continued support of Lucky Farmer.